Thursday 17 July 2014

Yugoslavia Civil War 1991

 counts de Rubido from Trieste Their grandson was an ambassador to King George v and knew Edward viii R von's cousin Where in same prefecture A few families Though r ? von family do not have title

Not entirely true if  l owned Castle in childhood

in this case

Government taking of Esterhazy property
Esterhazy sought government property at a fair price
Mn and G for Rss
Pharmaceutical for Fr Eng
Mn and tulip for Arab by county
Tulip for Aus
Rd for North America

altering %
And %

Not entirely true as he was an economics student

Visa a passport
finance department closes everything

''After a war the government rebuilds by hook or by crook''
Including the finance sector

weaknesses in the legal safety net

$o expense / year bank tax municipal
40 banks built / year in perpetuity

City states in W--- A

Not entirely true

Called Napoleon as joke when teen

Fooled though smart enough not to be fooled

By D of E

Not entirely true

Economist teen to Yugoslavia Civil War

Then military minor

False and No

Not entirely true He was an economics student

They were all lawyers and teachers

His ambition was law not military

Not entirely true if he owned a castle in childhood

Not entirely true Military analysis

Military studies minor at university

Studied Yugoslavia Civil War 1991 while taking time away from economics

Not entirely true

Artillery 1991 - released 2010

legal hole in the ground gang '''I want me some of that''

A document written in fraud ink

The plainest man in America No one can beat him after his plastic surgery Motivator

no because He was smart enough not to be tricked


plc and all of their props

Tomahawk missile shut down until further notice

Tomahawk a building is closed until further notice

If a general stays on the battlefield their is not a lot one can say

If a politician stays in the region of the battlefield Can't complain about him

A general who has left the region of battle Must be punished

Severest punishments for certain threats even 1 x

Israel as cradle of European religious civilization Judaism could be considered a branch of Judaism because Christ was of the family of King David Arabs in origin

In Holy Week Christ is tried by what authority He could teach such important matters Not in His life Though in 2000 years of Christian art and Cathedrals and especially saints Posthumously Christ's authority is demonstrated

general Eisenhower did not wander off of the battlefield
general Montgomery did not wander off of the battlefield
general MacArthur also
general de Gaul did not wander off of the battlefield
Sir Winston Churchill did not wander from the battlefield
To punish those that do

Angels and demons


r ? von went to the opera theater during university

Royal Conservatory when a child

In the story Grand Duchess of Venezia and Princess of Ajaccio Queen of Paris

Radio Free Europe
with the goal of achieving
free hand
speaking freely
Radio Free Europe


According to someone with a call sign

''drags bread through the street''

That plastic surgery could not be defeated by any achievement

If they had the same money Even then

A sort of letter writing

His place of birth His school His school friends There was actually no mystery

Joseph Bonaparte was called Field Marshall at a sort of basic training

Joseph Bonaparte's military analysis

system checkmate
system legal checkmate

That everyone treated him like shit after Jerome became rich Though not before

In a system
funny Plc dedicates his entire career to disabled people in nursing homes
To make money ? dsbl
Which says ? optometrist
which is audit
A system caught on technicalities Also collusion Though it definitely is a system
Blckw to enter system which is entire g--t
knowing b ps to be not defeatable
Perjury of ? cell crime
Where asking help is a system is valueless
illegal Financial transaction 1/2 money cheque signing over cheque or property
loss of license example of land office closing of bank payroll

subtotals that add to

Every day they are criminals Rather than a mistake here and there

Where bogey are the fu u

Which ambition was law Not military

Professors said judge

Which was joke in 1990s

Sent the bishop chess piece to the f said ? Saxe

In a sense the King of Rome had owned the Louvre his entire life

Edward viii ' s  friends laughed about this

And she looked like Edward viii's daughter

Resembling Napoleon's father's

change the decision maker
leading a country
or army
until desired results occur
100 x changed etc
until wrong outcomes cease
>or problems begin to be solved

Their ambition law not military

And they sent the bishop to the forest

Yet Charles i learnt geography there

* And Alexander lept from the wall into the midst of the enemy

That province Egypt falling to the Emperor

* Roman Judea middle east

Rubio who was Caesar's servant

Angel not being exclusive of place

* Versailles Treaty spin offs falling in his favor as reparation

Under no circumstance must they who oracle was they said

And they dedicated their career to one nursing home

Each year 1 - 45 school & friends ?

Though struggling in an argument with Muloney

Monastic farm

15 % were in the system anywhere

Send the pawn to the forest

Gold digger blood

looks like an Angle resembles a primate

That the Bible did not end with Mosaic law

Israel's smaller wars

Most macro problems being solved at a micro level with a continual changing of top decision maker in that country

In world war ii all of the Jewish chess pieces off the board in prison camps

Whereas meyer could have solved this problem !

In the Great Wars every man was soldier And some showed merit among these

Charles de Gaulle did not wander from the battlefield

Nor the great Sir Winston Churchill




Non functioning free market

Where problems are not ever resolved or solved

A sort of military Amnesty International

The granting contrary to his nations law Of military rights

With independent Amnesties and more than one such organization For each country

Where Rights under law are 'trampled' on

By generally accepted legal principles

Send the baron to the forest

'''On a naval air craft carrier there were 150 sailors of equal rank Each capable in law of being Admiral Where they sought a sailor who resolved problems ''

Their plastic surgery to make a difficult argument had Them look like Angles But they were monstrous animals With questionable things done

As men of letters write things irrelevantly

Which no one actually cares about

Written to amuse oneself

That the New Testament is written in a manner unlike the other books of the Bible

And that angels could be found in many places including Judea

Of course with angels within the Old Testament Judaic law

Of course the only difficulty with the New Testament being that few Christians followed the rules within the New Testament

Shephardic rule of King David

Christ it could be shown was of King David's family

The New Testament written during Roman rule adds up and can be reconciled with other literature written during Roman rule

The New Testament resembling the Old Testament literately where the story is Christ not especially distinguished in riches yet is of angelic Having misfortune in Holy Week despite this

Then they went to Saint Michael's Sunday school

He was in a dispute over a few weeks in his entire life Being send the priest to the forest


The executive of Parliament where 1 or 0 member is sufficient

The executive of Senate where 1 or 0 members is sufficient

The executive of the judiciary where there are many who can be lawyers say 100 s

Any 1 within these 3 executives could rule

As they say Accounting for each day His school His friends Except this dispute of a few weeks of insult Sent the baron to the forest

Send the bishop to the forest

Said the Saxe

In that story

Edward viii ' s daughter Resembling Edward in her appearance

Napoleon's family

Princely because blood unstained

They looking like grandfather on both sides

Disputing an insult of a few weeks And Meloney saying

That's it

Saints being found in many places historically

Not to impose his opinions

Send the princess to work said Saxe

Napoleon's great grandson being corporal in Italy Then intelligence colonel in Mount Vernon ?

Edward viii 's daughter with land and ships in Italy

Therefore not requiring the misfortune of a difficult life

Send the bishop to the forest

Their ambitions being law and teaching

And not military at that age

A lesson of the New Testament

Saints historically are found in all places

''Monstrous men also are found in all stations''

''In the Great War each man rose to the occasion None above corporal Except by favor''

Christ of saintly virtue in word expressed And saints that followed His rule Yet without honors

Posthumously Christ is honored above others in His birth at Christmas in architecture literature and art

'' The height of Western Civilization ''

These things that he spoke of elsewhere As if it were falsehood

Yet Charles i, who was Duke of Chartres,  was disputing a few weeks of insult in his entire life

Though betrayed

Also each day or hour who his friends were Where he worked & etc

In other things

Whereas psychologically happy people were often exceptionally successful

** Pharmaceuticals paying for towers this family kept

Contracts 2 y

Not giving this to others ? Unqualified

Pharmaceuticals falling in his favor because of medical treatments

As they say

Where a Treaty of Versailles would be in reference to French law

Charles i owning Louvre in his life Could not make the decisions that he would like to make because of criminals

* Where a library becomes a few books at the gates

* In a Treaty of Louvre They simply asked that all contracts fell in Their favor for wrongs done and laws broken

Then it was a question in the Ancient world

Who did Aristotle write for ?

Whereas the saints of the Church reading Christ ? Who did these saints write for ?

This is what George v questioned as a diarist

Whereas Queen Victoria said ?

*** '' In a sense the contracts had all already been written Under contract law With a hidden principle Would contract law be discarded ? ''

With hook or crook a government rebuilds after war Including finance R von saw this in Yugoslavia

Which insults summed or added in bookkeeping to less than a few minutes

Being a bookkeeper ?

Which is to say there was a dispute over a few weeks of insult in Charles i ' s entire life

Send the bishop to the forest

This bishop being a Tudor !

Photocopying google maps with barbarians at the Gates

''Often having to do with background droning''  of celebrities ?

Jumping into his sentences ?

From 2013

When he tried to white knight 'his own' Castle

Whereas Napoleon was decorated in 25 fields ?

' All of which fields he had studied before the battle '

Accounting for each day So to speak

As 4 th year General Accounting student

Having a bachelor's of economics at university

Taught electrical physics at 1 st y

He suffering a disability in Chartres France in 2008 as Duc she Pss of W said A 1997 ?




'' Cosmology '' 5

Electrical physics




Military science

'' Pharmacology '' 4

Roman history

< Meteorology > 3

( business ) 2

[ all of which he had studied ] 1


''He represented a street in Angora ''''


they had a system where they did go to jail like everyone else

they had to commit some little crime to obtain any g employ

infections where scars would not heal

Christ being King if Angels

Self styled silly kid

'' to reconcile Bernard l m to law ''

if she was the daughter of George v and without stain on blood Then she was princess ?

Respectful language

Or where would abusive language be acceptable ?

After money ?

To lose one's temper over an abuse ?

Which is to say When is abusive language acceptable ?

' Who are those who use this language ? '

Time to prepare a case

Cautious from betrayals

Opera at university ?

Political clubs

no no no

Send the bishop to the forest

In his life several weeks

were in dispute

in insult

Send the baron to the forest ?

Saints being found in many places

Taking 20 courses at university that year when a teen

Send the baron to the forest

The viscount can be page or rather steward a part day ?

That the blessed Virgin visited St Stefan And that then his family became rich

Turn the tables on the ? criminal harassment And you will see that they have many crimes

typing commands into a computer with viruses
talking will not solve the problem

as if one's chess pieces in a box
than on the chess board

All of these insults summed to a few weeks or months

Send the bishop to the forest

Let the page work

Taking 20 courses at university

Their ambition being law And not military


To break psychologically abusive relationships

''If someone  represents himself as a political figure
And the courts and government let him represent himself in this way
Then he is an agent for the government in contract ''

''Why ''

'' Acting within legal rights given to him by the government ''

'' For the purposes of a Treaty''

r von himself is principal

''If there are 100 000 cases ''
To measure each case against law
And write a conclusion
''Abusers typically have many crimes ''
'' Reconcile
irreconcilable ''

 pesson the pessoner

*** 25 % of profits or tax

Which actually World War i The end of the Great War And there were costs to that Great War settled in the Versailles Treaty No one would say Germany had not caused these costs Was this not a war ?

In reparation That all contracts be honored''

Nicholas fought this war with the Bolsheviks from birth to 1868 - 1918

There was not a day in his life George iv did not own a castle In childhood his family owned a castle of 700 m Edward v friends knew this At the time of this difficulty in his treasuries he had 15 b in French banks With his associates Which were insured These associates paying this in the months following

He looked as g f p[ & m[

Treaty of Germany 1 % of taxes in perpetuity for the financial district

Treaty of Vichy 0.5 % of taxes

Which would be construction finance

Or high rise

Flanders warfare

A criminal could do Christ's work to the poor ?

His friends were criminals He was not

That St Benedict not being mean to anyone  +

Who is on the battlefield

And who is off of the battlefield

In Flanders warfare

Send the bishop to the forest

And dress him in a funny manner

In design television signals will not travel beyond city

Romeo et Julliette est considérée comme une maladie mentale dont il n'est pas illégal

Then there crg who dedicate an entire career to a disabled person in a nursing home


disabled people cannot form a defense


mercenary soldier of fortune

2 mercenary soldier of fortune

3 mercenary soldier of fortune

4 war soldier of fortune

5 war soldier of fortune

Military analyst Yugoslavia 1991 7 months

In the newspaper

And that they committed a little crime of initiation

To lose control of riches

With a call sign

''Poor in spirit depressed ''

Vladimir corporal in Italy

de Vere ships and land

Having to similarly leave Economics

To difficult things

Saxe joke against pss Alexandra

Said Paris fashion week teen

In system have advertising budget ?

Whatever stupidities they crazily dream up

Everything they do succeeds

Ps in look like Angles yet they are monsters

Send the baron to the forest

Saxe trips Tudor

That nothing went l's way Despite grades

Scare gets f u in gl

he speaks or is the voice for a street in that is irrelevant in Edmonton

by the Rule of King David

security solutions
A difficult or unsolvable
put system guys in a system
Where a system resembles a fatal attraction
Which how this type of criminal behave
Giving system guys their own medicine
''Throwing their valuables into the street ''
As they do to others
Until such time as an
Unconditional surrender is received
Yet the problem seems unsolvable ?
Not a solution
Rather funny

'' These criminals in g l is f u ''
Which is solvable

Also a prisoner of war camp

Which r ? von saw in the distance during the Yugoslavia Civil War

Minoring in military studies at university

Which is a story a friend in n y told

Send the bishop to the forest said Saxe

Their ambition law not military

Send the baron to the forest said Colberg

The moose that talked down to kings


Pass initiation in the system And every door is open

Outside of the system every door is closed


r von could see Ovcara prison camp (dif't) in the distance

Civil War Yugoslavia

War maps

March 31 1991 first armed conflict war in Croatia Plitvice lake birthday of r Easter









hang out with royalty blood Garbage blood

Maldinus counts same prefecture

Pentagon not thought position in the middle of a residential area
Similarly staff

Field Marshal Montgomery thought Moses march 40 y in the wilderness to discipline his army Not being lost

Moses who God loved

The cradle Western religious civilization


Russia is fascinated with American military thought

for example

Properly Stalin is

Andropov isn't

Make a fool of said Saxe

Make a fool of this count said Roberto Guido

Tell a joke and it turns into a f nightmare said la cosa nostra ttttt

Said capo

Just as honorary

A fiction of Melony

Spending 6 b for 10 d

Which was all fraud

send the bishop to the forest

saxe wanted to make him foolish yet he was smart enough not to work

Then false

6 b reworking a few days

Though he had no idea where Saxe lived ?


? Milken Boesky junk bonds

Israel had this military 3 m x

As far as he knew no one could bring a single fraud charge against that nobleman

Saxe wanted him to quit his classical instrument

No one can defeat p s

looks like merit Isn't

e = encryption


how many o p k to be 6

each $ in a system unresolved ?

Can only joke with friends


As the saying goes Kings have weird enemies

Story Roberto Guido
Machiavellian warfare
Italian criminal wrote in America
That was childhood Italian's friend in jail

'' S exceptionally beautiful with good nature though teen saw at wedding day
? count knew cosa nostra in school
When teen and at college Italian lawyers said What about judge
At several trials count had Judges said ? count should be judge
A few police friends And Italian police said chef to ? count And Iron Mike to ? count
This ? capo was in Civil War and ? corporal infantry
And chef in new city said a few friends
? Count was recruited in ? jail
Knew Jewish criminals
After talked to Don in 20s
Next person said ? Count would be consiglieri in New York
Though not to ruin legal career
Instead honorary ? count and capo
Direct contact with only a few cosa nostra
He really liked them
Cosa nostra friends cheered ? count up
This was most of the relationship
Friends were criminals ? count was not
? count joked when he was judge he would put cosa nostra in jail in Sicily
And make expensive properties for their families
Gun battle with mercenaries over several months
Cosa nostra knew them ?
Cnm friends take over cosa nostra
Everyone was worried
A type of criminal
Don [v] almost solved the ''Adolf'' problem
War would have ended there
Machiavellian warfare
Cosa Nostra war that ? count knew began then in 2003
Don [v] called Hells Angels for help
Trouble with Gendarme so Cosa Nostra became Auxiliary
2008 ? count was honorary Don
Venetian f
? Count was not rich construction worker for 35 y
Difficulty with barbarians across the water
Don ? count said cosa nostra could make money in construction
C was soldier with difficult friends
Because C knew most of construction
He became as don ? ''

? count was retired legion

Hells Angels kept an eye on cosa nostra to keep them out of trouble ? count was thankful

' Jewish friends helped  ? count thank God
These Jewish friends helped over 4 y
Jewish friends were like saints '

Venetian family

Can only joke with friends

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